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Andrew Fletcher
If you're working with a large codebase in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and need to find specific occurrences of a term, but only when it's a standalone word possibly surrounded by spaces or parentheses, regular expressions (regex) are your best friend. This guide will walk you through the steps to efficiently search for these instances, I'll be searching for the term 'SBT' and ensuring you don't pick up unwanted matches like `'ADSBTCR'` or `'SBT123'`.   Why use regular expressions? Regular...
Andrew Fletcher
When working with code in Visual Studio Code, you may need to search for...
Andrew Fletcher
When working on Drupal projects, especially in a collaborative environment, it’s...
Andrew Fletcher
If you're working with Drupal on an Ubuntu 24.04 server, it's common to use the...
Andrew Fletcher
Maintaining a Drupal site is usually smooth sailing once the environment is...
Andrew Fletcher
If you’ve ever encountered strange errors while running a bash script, you’re not alone. Errors like : not found and Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "then") can be particularly frustrating, especially when the script appears to be perfectly fine. This a situation that I had recently involving such errors and this article shows how I was able to resolve them, focusing on line endings and hidden characters. Imagine you have a simple bash script designed to check and set the process...
Andrew Fletcher
Have you ever wanted to use Terminal with a more fluid style and increase your...
Andrew Fletcher
When it comes to text editing, Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is one of the most...
Andrew Fletcher
On a server directory with over 100,000 PDF files, I needed to verify the...
Andrew Fletcher
Managing large directories, especially those filled with a diverse mix of media...
Andrew Fletcher
Recently I came across this piece of gold when dealing with databases, particularly relational ones like MySQL, managing transactions efficiently is crucial to ensure data integrity and consistency. In MySQL, transactions are used to group several SQL commands into a single unit that either completely succeeds or completely fails, ensuring that a database remains in a consistent state. Managing transactions efficiently in databases like MySQL is crucial for ensuring data integrity and...
Andrew Fletcher
In the realm of system administration and monitoring, understanding memory usage...
Andrew Fletcher
The red flag was when I saw the server disk space is showing a site is taking up...
Andrew Fletcher
To determine the size of a directory using the terminal, you can use the du...
Andrew Fletcher
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) allows you to manage extensions using the VS Code...