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Andrew Fletcher
To copy the content of a directory /source to another existing directory /destination can be achieved with the command cp -a cp -a source/. destination/ Changing the variables accordingly: source = challenge/vendor/ destination = stg/vendor/ cp -a challenge/vendor/. stg/vendor/ The -a option is an improved recursive option, that preserve all file attributes and also preserves symlinks; The full point (.) at end of the source path (i.e. challenge/vendor/.) is a specific cp syntax...
Andrew Fletcher
First transfer the drupal-8.8.x.tar.gz file to your directory Via your ssh...
Andrew Fletcher
To get your ip address in Terminal on OSX on WIFI ipconfig getifaddr en0Whereas...
Andrew Fletcher
Working on formatting the date in Xcode, and you come across the situation where...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding a floating decimal point for n number of places is quite easy to achieve....
Andrew Fletcher
To create a .pem file, is quick once you have your .p12 certificate.  I won't go through the process regarding p12 file generation as there are many sites that outline these steps.  If you cannot find a site that outlines this make a comment below and I'll point in the right direction. Open the terminal and go to the path where you save the apns-cert.p12. where and follow the below command to generate the .PEM file. The command below depends on the following two elements: Name of the...