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Andrew Fletcher
The migrate process saves the status of each running migration in the database.  Any error in the code will abnormally terminate the process so the database won't be updated properly and will keep saying that "something is still running".   In Drupal I had a look through the error log and came across the following message: Migration icon_migrate_species_json is busy with another operation: ImportingHowever, this shouldn't be the situation and I had no scripts running.  Now...
Andrew Fletcher
When attempting to backup mysql using the mysqldump command mysqldump -u root...
Andrew Fletcher
To remove all the contents from a directory, you need to ask yourself: Do I want...
Andrew Fletcher
How to Create New MySQL User Before you can create a new MySQL user, you need to...
Andrew Fletcher
This short guide explains to you how to extract/unzip .zip archive files to a...
Andrew Fletcher
I prefer htop over top on my Linux server.  Running a Solr index got me thinking how can I install htop on macOS Big Sur 11.4 based MacBook pro? If you don't already know htop is comparable to the top command, but it has additional options.  The htop allows you to scroll vertically and horizontally, so you can see all the processes running on the system.  You can get command lines and args. Common tasks related to processes (killing, renicing) done without entering...
Andrew Fletcher
The generally accepted answer to a mysqldump is: mysqldump -h [host] -u...
Andrew Fletcher
Wanting to create a new repository on GitHub, add in a few of the available...
Andrew Fletcher
On a git pull from remote dev environment to a staging environment running off...
Andrew Fletcher
I needed the check if a file existed in a directory as the migrate script wasn't...
Andrew Fletcher
Joining a new company / team there is always a lot of new items to do, install and familiarise yourself.  Below is a working list: Products URL / install path Notes Homebrew /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"   Docker   Visual Studio Code   Sequel Ace   App Store 1Password   App...
Andrew Fletcher
Updating Drupal from 8.7.10 to 8.8.x or 8.9.x has seen a significant change...
Andrew Fletcher
As outlined in an earlier article composer php version, when installing the...
Andrew Fletcher
I had been running a few Centos 6 servers just past their EOL (30th November...
Andrew Fletcher
Regular expressions (regex) are extremely useful in extracting information from...