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After coding for 16 years... I have decided to have a go at building apps in iOS.  Eventually these articles will tell my story as a newbie to app development.

My initial plan is to learn completely differently to how I would normally.  I usually, read a bunch of books about the subject and jump straight in with coding.  This time I will force myself to slow down.  Watch a couple of videos and follow there steps.  Hmm, I will require patience for this!

First video series: Code with Chris

While this series (10 lessons) is for an absolute beginner, towards the final videos, I did get a feel for the syntax.  Plus learning the drag and drop on to the storyboard.  Which taught me I would rather have more control of the code tha use the stroyboard approach.

If you already know how to code, then rather than to go through this series go to the apple documentation.

Second video series: Login

Now I wanted to build something more like a login interface.  To meet this need I came across Anthony Washington's three part series.

At the end of this video series you have learnt how to build the login screen, however there is no connectivity.  This became my next challenge.  Log in as a user where the database is remote.  This shouldn't be too hard, there must be many notes/videos/books where people have done this before.  Okay, my years of experience have taught me that nothing is quick.

Lets find out...


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