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Andrew Fletcher
Android Studio build errors Build failed error: cannot find symbol if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.R)or cannot find symbol Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.S &&  To resolve - upgrade the compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to 31 in your grade file.  Note, this setting could be in one of the following files android/app/build.gradle android/variables.gradle   Also note - Build.VERSION_CODES.R only exists in API 30. The...
Andrew Fletcher
Approaches to resolving “Module not specified” Error in Android Studio When...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Android Studio when attempting to run a project I had the following...
Andrew Fletcher
Had the situation where you are running composer however, the scripts stops with...
Andrew Fletcher
As a web developer, you will most likely need to run local copies of a bunch of...
Andrew Fletcher
On your local OSX environment using Terminal or iTerm you can create a MySQL database, database user, and password, as well as, assign all privileges to the user for the database. Knowing your credentials, before beginning you will need to know the following: user: {user} password: {password} database: {database} For my local environment, I'll be using these credentials user root password root database safs   Walkthrough the steps to build your database: The initial step is to...
Andrew Fletcher
This article assumes that you are running Docker and Lando already.  Don't...
Andrew Fletcher
While working with lando, I had the following error ERROR: for safs_appserver_1...
Andrew Fletcher
The cache system in Drupal 9 delivers the API with the elements required for...
Andrew Fletcher
Installing Varnish to increase the speed of the page load. Install varnish using...
Andrew Fletcher
I installed Lando 3.6.2 and Laravel 9.  When I visit the web page, I getting Fatal error: Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 8.0.2". You are running 7.4.28. in /app/vendor/composer/platform_check.php on line 24  Problem solving Opening the directory in VS Code, if I run the command  php -vThe response I'm getting is PHP 8.1.2 (cli) (built: Jan 21 2022 04:47:26) (NTS) Copyright (c) The PHP Group Zend Engine v4.1.2,...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Lando and you have hit the situation where you need to view the log...
Andrew Fletcher
Changes in your .env file Connecting your app to the new environment you need to...
Andrew Fletcher
Clear DNS Cache The DNS (Domain Name Service) cache on your Mac helps browsers...
Andrew Fletcher
Let say in composer.json you have "drupal/core-recommended": "^9.2" You're...