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Andrew Fletcher
Approaches to resolving “Module not specified” Error in Android Studio When attempting to run or debug the application on Android Studio you can come across the error “Module not specified” in the Android Studio.  This article will outline approaches I took to get a resolution to this issue.   Tools Tool Version Android Studio Chipmunk | 2021.2.1 OS OSX - Big Sur 11.6.7 Ionic CLI 6.20.1 Node 18.0.0 Cordova cli: 11.0.0   Method 1 - Synchronise the project Let's...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Android Studio when attempting to run a project I had the following...
Andrew Fletcher
It appears that the plugin or file path is not working how it used to be on...
Andrew Fletcher
Currently, I have a situation where I have two repositories.  The first is...
Andrew Fletcher
Creating a bash script Bash scripts are files containing code that tell your...
Andrew Fletcher
Accessing a remote server using PEM key, and I had the following response @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Permissions 0644 for '/Users/andrewfletcher/Sites/PEM/{project}.pem' are too open. It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others. This private key will be ignored. Load key...
Andrew Fletcher
How do you generate a .pem file from an existing .ppk key? Is putty on your...
Andrew Fletcher
Currently I'm working through an app that has been abandoned by the developers....
Andrew Fletcher
First off, this isn't the only method to achieve the outcome of emptying a...
Andrew Fletcher
Clear DNS Cache The DNS (Domain Name Service) cache on your Mac helps browsers...
Andrew Fletcher
Changing git push from passphrase?  There are several ways to tackle this step.  I'm going to focus one of these steps. From your web directory root, look for your .git directory.  Then open the .git... cd .gitNext using your shell prompt (iTerm2), view the contents of the config file vim configPresently the config file looks like the following [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true ...
Andrew Fletcher
  Z shell (Zsh) is a Unix shell built on top of bash (the default shell for...
Andrew Fletcher
Localization is the process of showing other languages in your app and is...
Andrew Fletcher
How to apply a gradient tint over a background image? Set the background...
Andrew Fletcher
Working on formatting the date in Xcode, and you come across the situation where...