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Andrew Fletcher
Loading the code in a platform - in this article, I'll be focusing on Android and iOS.  Ionic app shell prompts for iOS and Android devices.   Here's a breakdown of the commands: npm run build This command is used to build your web app. It's typically associated with web development frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue. It compiles your web app source code into production-ready files. npx cap sync This command is part of Capacitor. It synchronizes the web app's built files with the...
Andrew Fletcher
A summary of Node package commands Short cut commands npm install...
Andrew Fletcher
It appears that the plugin or file path is not working how it used to be on...
Andrew Fletcher
Updating to PHP 8.1, I found this interesting code stop... Deprecated function:...
Andrew Fletcher
You can create a new date/time format by navigating to: Admin ->...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Laravel, I needed to loop through an array and know whether the current loop was odd or even row.  To do this add the expression to your Twig file: {% set direction = loop.index0 is odd ? 'left' : 'right' %}In the call above, the variable direction is set to either left or right depending on the value of the position of the loop row (loop.index0).  I then used the left or right value in a div class adding to a series of tailwind css definitions.  Such...
Andrew Fletcher
Step 1: Install Homebrew Homebrew is the missing package manager for macOS. As...
Andrew Fletcher
Setting up the mail configuration in October CMS is a quick progress....
Andrew Fletcher
Working on a new CentOS 7 server, Node wasn't installed.  You can...
Andrew Fletcher
I started out with a simple task... install Tailwindcss.  What unfolded is...
Andrew Fletcher
Common commands Themes and plugins have similar command lines.  So rather than note them individually and miss clarity, the reference {type} can be replaced with the term plugin or theme.   install php artisan {type}:install AuthorName.PluginName  list php artisan {type}:list   refresh plugins php artisan plugin:refresh AuthorName.PluginName  Utility references   Clear cache php artisan cache:clear  Clear config php artisan config:clear  Restart...
Andrew Fletcher
Localization is the process of showing other languages in your app and is...
Andrew Fletcher
At times while developing in October CMS, you will perform a step that kills the...
Andrew Fletcher
Using October CMS to migrate your site and update the tables with the plugins...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding a pem file to secure ejabbered on the server for chat connection. Getting...