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Andrew Fletcher
Loading the node To query the node, I prefer to create a series of functions to mange the process in a class.  However, keeping this simple, this can be achieved through: $node = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($nid);Otherwise if you require to load multiple nodes, where the list of node.nids is in an array. $nodes = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node'); $this->list = $nodes->loadMultiple($this->nids);  Whereas, if you are looking to query the node database for...
Andrew Fletcher
If you are like me you probably have searched for clues to and found little......
Andrew Fletcher
Registering a user via REST is an important process particularly when the...
Andrew Fletcher
As a process I apply patches locally first, then using git upload the update(s)...
Andrew Fletcher
While the Drupal site has a great outline of the steps to follow, I found we...
Andrew Fletcher
First transfer the drupal-8.8.x.tar.gz file to your directory Via your ssh program (for us Terminal on OSX), enter the path to the directory where you transferred the drupal-8.8.x file gunzip -c drupal-8.8.0.tar.gz | tar xopf - rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/ rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/ ; rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/ ; rm -rf /var/www/vhosts/ ; rm -rf...
Andrew Fletcher
Whatever you are coding - code clarity is your goal. Before you scream and...
Andrew Fletcher
To create a .pem file, is quick once you have your .p12 certificate.  I...
Andrew Fletcher
I had the issue where I needed to filter an array list by a specific column....
Andrew Fletcher
A handy resource list of fonts for iOS: iOS Font List -...
Andrew Fletcher After a short amount searching I came across Kyle Browning Waterwheel Pod.  I flipped down to installation and there it is in three steps.  Super.  But wait.  Step one, CocoaPods.  What are pods? Easy to follow, in no time cocoapods are added. Using terminal you need to initialise the pod to the directory where the Xcode project is located. cd ~/Path/To/Your/Project/ pod init pod update This...
Andrew Fletcher
Ha you have read it before, one of those throw away lines that is written "just...
Andrew Fletcher
After coding for 16 years... I have decided to have a go at building apps in...
Andrew Fletcher
While I have posted an article about how to POST an image using REST in Drupal...
Andrew Fletcher
In Drupal 8.x hiding the subject line is a quick task. In the admin area of your...