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Andrew Fletcher
Recently I came across this piece of gold when dealing with databases, particularly relational ones like MySQL, managing transactions efficiently is crucial to ensure data integrity and consistency. In MySQL, transactions are used to group several SQL commands into a single unit that either completely succeeds or completely fails, ensuring that a database remains in a consistent state. Managing transactions efficiently in databases like MySQL is crucial for ensuring data integrity and...
Andrew Fletcher
When Solr is displaying results on the site, first step is to log in the server...
Andrew Fletcher
  Continuing on from the Drupal 9 to Drupal 10 upgrade outline written...
Andrew Fletcher
To run a SQL command using Drush, use the following sql-query command drush...
Andrew Fletcher
Drush open_basedir restriction error PHP Warning: include(): open_basedir...
Andrew Fletcher
Having updated Solr, re-indexing wasn't working. The error in the logs was Drupal\search_api_solr\SearchApiSolrException while indexing item entity:node/2386:en: Solr endpoint bad request (code: 400, body: Exception writing document id 36lk64-related_projects-entity:node/2386:en to the index; possible analysis error: cannot change field "tm_X3b_en_body" from index options=DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS to inconsistent index options=DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS,...
Andrew Fletcher
On an Ubuntu 20.02 system with Nginx, you can utilize the following commands to...
Andrew Fletcher
Cleaning out or clearing data in Solr can be done in a few different ways,...
Andrew Fletcher
In an environment that is running Ubuntu 20.02 Nginx Solr   The default...
Andrew Fletcher
These steps are for Drupal 8 and 9.   Export your database Order here is...
Andrew Fletcher
Resources - changing Drush Type Version Drush (current) 11.6.0 Drush (update) 12.2.0 Updating Drush went OK on all testing environments until on to the staging environment.  The initial error that I saw was PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Drush\Style\DrushStyle::confirm($question, $default = true) must be compatible with Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle::confirm(string $question, bool $default = true): bool in...
Andrew Fletcher
How to set the Private file path in Drupal using the following steps: Create a...
Andrew Fletcher
Using Composer to Manage Projects and if required their dependencies In this...
Andrew Fletcher
Goal: I want to download a table list to a txt or csv file. Initially, as a root...
Andrew Fletcher
If your Composer project doesn't have Drush listed as a dependency, you can...