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Andrew Fletcher
The migrate process saves the status of each running migration in the database.  Any error in the code will abnormally terminate the process so the database won't be updated properly and will keep saying that "something is still running".   In Drupal I had a look through the error log and came across the following message: Migration icon_migrate_species_json is busy with another operation: ImportingHowever, this shouldn't be the situation and I had no scripts running.  Now...
Andrew Fletcher
Wanting to create a new repository on GitHub, add in a few of the available...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Laravel, I needed to loop through an array and know whether the...
Andrew Fletcher
Setting up the mail configuration in October CMS is a quick progress....
Andrew Fletcher
The purple warning notification of annoyance recently came my way!  I...
Andrew Fletcher
I'm currently working on a project that requires login, register, forget password functionality in SwiftUI.  As I'm developing the code, I came across a great resource for validating an email address with Regex: In the end, I leveraged the worked produced on The code used: extension String { var isValidEmail: Bool { let name =...
Andrew Fletcher
iOS localization on the fly If you have added languages to your app......
Andrew Fletcher
Common commands Themes and plugins have similar command lines.  So rather...
Andrew Fletcher
Updating Realm and RealmSwift from 5.5.x to 10.0.0 brought in the following...
Andrew Fletcher
At times while developing in October CMS, you will perform a step that kills the...
Andrew Fletcher
Using October CMS to migrate your site and update the tables with the plugins run  php artisan october:up 
Andrew Fletcher
After creating a new view with a @Binding string as follows struct EditRival:...
Andrew Fletcher
What to do when you want to filter a Realm object, using NSPredicate in...
Andrew Fletcher
Today while in Terminal, I ran a regular script pod update.  However, this...
Andrew Fletcher
I'm going to take you on a journey about adding a gradient tint to a...