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Andrew Fletcher
Recently I had an error with a domain smtp server not recognising port 587.  To begin to test what was happening I wanted to get some key information about the server.  My tool of choice was the dig command.  Using the dig command: dig codebales.comUnderstanding a DNS look up results from Terminal using the dig command.  This command causes dig to look up the A record for the domain name or whatever you enter. To do this dig starts by...
Andrew Fletcher
The starting point is to read through and follow the notes outlined on the...
Andrew Fletcher
Whatever you are coding - code clarity is your goal. Before you scream and...
Andrew Fletcher
To create a .pem file, is quick once you have your .p12 certificate.  I...
Andrew Fletcher
I had the issue where I needed to filter an array list by a specific column....
Andrew Fletcher
A handy resource list of fonts for iOS: iOS Font List - LearnUI -
Andrew Fletcher After a short amount searching...
Andrew Fletcher
Ha you have read it before, one of those throw away lines that is written "just...
Andrew Fletcher
After coding for 16 years... I have decided to have a go at building apps in...