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Andrew Fletcher
Running composer on a server... when running the command composer update, screen would error out.  In the site directory, composer would show  composer --version Composer version 1.10.24 2021-12-09 20:06:33Whereas, the commnd /opt/plesk/php/7.4/bin/php /usr/lib64/plesk-9.0/composer.phar --version Composer version 2.2.5 2022-01-21 17:25:52Ok, so composer on the server is running 2.2x.  But on my site directory, 1.x   Updating Composer If I ran the command to update composer...
Andrew Fletcher
Have you tried to run a composer update script that...
Andrew Fletcher
Working on an Azure server I ran a mysqldump command to generate a copy of the...
Andrew Fletcher
When attempting to backup mysql using the mysqldump command mysqldump -u root...
Andrew Fletcher
How to Create New MySQL User Before you can create a new MySQL user, you need to...
Andrew Fletcher
The generally accepted answer to a mysqldump is: mysqldump -h [host] -u [user] -p [database_name] [table_name] > [file].sqlOr a variant there of...  Of course if you are logged in to the server and working from it you don't need to express the -h [host] mysqldump -u [user] -p [database_name] [table_name] > [file].sql  But no not for me.  I wasn't seeing the success story of a downloaded database file.  Instead I was warmly embraced by error land: mysqldump: Got...
Andrew Fletcher
A recent attempt to run an update composer (regular activity for many of...
Andrew Fletcher
Updating Drupal from 8.7.10 to 8.8.x or 8.9.x has seen a significant change...
Andrew Fletcher
As outlined in an earlier article composer php version, when installing the...
Andrew Fletcher
Running a common composer command, post an upgrade on the server to Centos 7 and...
Andrew Fletcher
To add ejabberd and run MYSQL to the server I needed to update the server version of mysql from 5.5 to 5.7.  Fortunately, there are great instructions on the Plesk support page regarding how to achieve this outcome. As a point of reference, as I worked through the steps... step 10 you need to restart the MYSQL server.  This is a quick progress by...
Andrew Fletcher
The starting point is to read through and follow the notes outlined on the...
Andrew Fletcher
To add Erlang repository that also includes the public key for verifying signed...