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Andrew Fletcher
You would have come across a URL string that appears as you would already seen %20 many times, that is a space.  Commonly seen in file names either documents or images. However, what about the others.  Off the top do you know what %3D is?  Maybe, but I didn't.  Below is a quick guide to percentage encoding...
Andrew Fletcher
Well for me it is very slow.  Recently, I upgraded from CentOS 6 to Centos...
Andrew Fletcher
Creating a new account in Mail on OSX Big Sur (11.2) and complete the required...
Andrew Fletcher
To connect to your CPanel hosted server via SSH OSX, please follow...
Andrew Fletcher
Updating Realm and RealmSwift from 5.5.x to 10.0.0 brought in the following...
Andrew Fletcher
I had an instance where I needed to move content from a plist to the server database.  To achieve this step, I added a few lines of code where the plist was called and added a call to the API so the data would be on the server. The original code appeared as: class ContactsSource { static var contacts: [Contact] { let data = try! PlistLoader.array(fromFile: "ContactsDB", ofType: "plist") return data.compactMap { Contact(dictionary: $0) } } }I needed to access...
Andrew Fletcher
A list of languages for the iOS app in speech mode: Arabic (Saudi Arabia) -...