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Andrew Fletcher
Building a contact list using SwiftUI has many challenges. One challenge is having multiple lists displayed on the one screen.  For example, known contacts using your app against contacts on the phone.  Initially, I tried the following code SearchBarView(text: $searchText, placeholder: "Type here") List { Section(header: ContactListHeader(listTitle: "rivals list")) { ForEach(self.userData.rivals.filter{ self.searchText.isEmpty ? true : $ ...
Andrew Fletcher
What to do when you want to filter a Realm object, using NSPredicate in...
Andrew Fletcher
I had an instance where I needed to move content from a plist to the server...
Andrew Fletcher
Registering a user via REST is an important process particularly when the...
Andrew Fletcher
I'm going to take you on a journey about adding a gradient tint to a...
Andrew Fletcher
Creating a new SwiftUI project is a quick process.  There are already thousands of sites outlining how to do these steps.  Rather than repeat this steps at the top of each article, we will refer to this article to get you across the line if you don't know or need a refresher. Step 1 Open Xcode and either click Create a new Xcode project in Xcode’s startup window, or choose File > New > Project. Step 2 In the template selector, select iOS as the platform,...