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Andrew Fletcher
In Twig, the {% extends %} tag is used to inherit and extend the contents of another template. In the case you provided: {% extends "filed--text.html.twig" %}This means that the current template is extending the content of the template file named "filed--text.html.twig." The contents of the extended template will be used as a base, and the current template can override or add to specific blocks defined in the base template.   A breakdown of the elements {% extends "filed--text.html.twig" %}...
Andrew Fletcher
In Drupal Twig templates, you can set a variable like paragraph_parent to the...
Andrew Fletcher
Update Drupal to 10.1.x and I'm receiving the following...
Andrew Fletcher
Twig error Twig\Error\SyntaxError: Unknown "filter" tag. in...
Andrew Fletcher
This guide has been compiled as a reference tool on how to access field values...
Andrew Fletcher
To completely remove Microsoft Remote Desktop from OSX you need to perform the following   Bin the MRD app Drag the Microsoft Remote Desktop app to the bin.   In Finder, select Go > 'Go to Folder', and enter the following path: /private/var/db/Locate the RemoteManagement folder and bin it. Back to Finder, again select Go > 'Go to Folder', and enter the following: /Library/Containers/Following you entering the above and nothing happens (as did for me), you need to enter the full...
Andrew Fletcher
The challenge I was facing, I had written a script to scan barcodes and use...
Andrew Fletcher
Do you want to know how to add a node alias in a twig file?  Rather than do...
Andrew Fletcher
Having access to a site’s URL in your templates can come in handy for many...
Andrew Fletcher
I want to create a content type that has a paragraph.  Easy enough. What...
Andrew Fletcher
Since upgrading to Drupal 9.3.0 have you come across this error? Edit mediaTypeError : Argument 1 passed to Drupal\Core\File\FileUrlGenerator::generateString() must be of the type string, null given, called in /app/web/sites/default/files/php/twig/61baa150bc5f6_media--document.html.twig_h9bK0We32VfjIKYeac5J1n4Mn/6wcKI-HiereIg8aXE0Znemy4PM0s6woj_Cr2Trl_U68.php on line 59 in Drupal\Core\File\FileUrlGenerator->generateString() (line 58 of...
Andrew Fletcher
When you have an entity ID value such as node ID (nid) or taxonomy term ID, how...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Twig, I had to add classes to a pre-existing array.  Whilst I've...
Andrew Fletcher
Whilst working through an edit person view in a SwiftUI project, I experienced...
Andrew Fletcher
When managing a navigation title in Swift, you will have trodden down the path....