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Andrew Fletcher
In Twig, the {% extends %} tag is used to inherit and extend the contents of another template. In the case you provided: {% extends "filed--text.html.twig" %}This means that the current template is extending the content of the template file named "filed--text.html.twig." The contents of the extended template will be used as a base, and the current template can override or add to specific blocks defined in the base template.   A breakdown of the elements {% extends "filed--text.html.twig" %}...
Andrew Fletcher
In Drupal Twig templates, you can set a variable like paragraph_parent to the...
Andrew Fletcher
How to generate a new private key and submit it to Google Play for signing your...
Andrew Fletcher
Update Drupal to 10.1.x and I'm receiving the following...
Andrew Fletcher
The error > Task :app:packageDebug FAILED Execution failed for task...
Andrew Fletcher
Each time a release is prepared for Google Play, the steps I work through are as follows.   Preparation to run a build Check the Gradle build settings Directed to the build.gradle file using the following file path ~/android/app/The area of code in the build-gradle file to focus: android { signingConfigs { debug { storeFile file('{file-path}/private_key.pepk') storePassword '{password}' keyAlias '{alias}' keyPassword '{password}' ...
Andrew Fletcher
Attempting to run a preview, and I'm seeing the following error in Android...
Andrew Fletcher
Twig error Twig\Error\SyntaxError: Unknown "filter" tag. in...
Andrew Fletcher
Resources Type Version Android Studio Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1...
Andrew Fletcher
Updating the Android app and while testing I'm seeing the following error in the...
Andrew Fletcher
This guide has been compiled as a reference tool on how to access field values for different field types. The Manage Display admin UI can change how a field’s label and content are displayed. When I want to show how to output just the Manage Display version of the content, I use the word ‘display’. When I’m talking about the more raw version of the content, I use ‘value’. I have used field_name as a placeholder machine name for each field. Replace it with your field’s machine name. You can...
Andrew Fletcher
Setting up the admin password.   Process: 1. Edit jetty.xml To begin you...
Andrew Fletcher
In this article I'll walk through the steps I went through to install Solr on...
Andrew Fletcher
Looking to install Solr on your server?  Not sure if it worth the...
Andrew Fletcher
Do you want to know how to add a node alias in a twig file?  Rather than do...