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Andrew Fletcher
These steps are for Drupal 8 and 9.   Export your database Order here is important.  First you want to clear all the Drupal caches.  Then export / dump the db the sql database to a file in your home directory. drush cr drush sql-dump > path/to/your/file/ourpout/sql-dump-file-name.sqlor drush sql-dump --extra-dump=--no-tablespaces --result-file=../sql/db-2022-12-07.sqlWithout having to manually set the date drush sql-dump --extra-dump=--no-tablespaces...
Andrew Fletcher
Goal: I want to download a table list to a txt or csv file. Initially, as a root...
Andrew Fletcher
On your local OSX environment using Terminal or iTerm you can create a MySQL...
Andrew Fletcher
This article assumes that you are running Docker and Lando already.  Don't...
Andrew Fletcher
Running Docker and attempting to install a web proxy environment where I'm...
Andrew Fletcher
Working on an Azure server I ran a mysqldump command to generate a copy of the db.  No issues, the file downloaded on to the serve without cause.   The Problem On my local environment, using Sequel Ace I imported the file, but it suddenly it stopped with a red message “Unknown collation: ‘utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci‘” [ERROR in query 14] Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci'“Collation is the assembly of written information into a standard order. Many systems of collation are based on...
Andrew Fletcher
When attempting to backup mysql using the mysqldump command mysqldump -u root...
Andrew Fletcher
How to Create New MySQL User Before you can create a new MySQL user, you need to...
Andrew Fletcher
The generally accepted answer to a mysqldump is: mysqldump -h [host] -u...
Andrew Fletcher
To add ejabberd and run MYSQL to the server I needed to update the server...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding an image via RESTUI can be done in a snap... once you know how!  I have spent a good amount of time (days) researching how come my scripts weren't running correctly. POST: authentication: basic, formats: hal_json URL: Enable File from; Download file_entity module and enable it; and Set permission Add and upload new files under file entity. How to setup your...
Andrew Fletcher
The starting point is to read through and follow the notes outlined on the...
Andrew Fletcher
A list of languages for the iOS app in speech mode: Arabic (Saudi Arabia) -...