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Andrew Fletcher
This page will be a progressive outline of moving those regular run scripts that really need to be automated.  Or triggered by a keyword. These scripts are rsync commands   The initial scripts production environment sudo rsync -aur staging/{project}/config drupal cd drupal sudo chown -R www-data:www-data config cd .. sudo rsync -aur staging/{project}/core drupal cd drupal sudo chown -R www-data:www-data core cd .. sudo rsync -aur staging/{project}/modules drupal cd drupal sudo chown...
Andrew Fletcher
I had been running a few Centos 6 servers just past their EOL (30th November...
Andrew Fletcher
I need to set the default php-version of a subscription to php7.3.  The...
Andrew Fletcher
(104)Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI...
Andrew Fletcher
To add ejabberd and run MYSQL to the server I needed to update the server...
Andrew Fletcher
The magically descriptive error 401 Forbidden "message": "Access denied on creating field 'uid'.".  You probably can sense the love I have for this error.  This was a painful error that took a little while to resolve.  First off I also had this error display as: "Access denied on creating field 'uid' "Access denied on creating field 'name' "Access denied on creating field 'entity_id' And I would have had more if I continued down the resolution path I was on....
Andrew Fletcher
If you are like me you probably have searched for clues to and found little......
Andrew Fletcher
In Drupal 8.x hiding the subject line is a quick task. In the admin area of your...
Andrew Fletcher
You have been working hard on getting comments being added (POST) through REST...
Andrew Fletcher
For others that have spent countless hours getting this to work and are...