Andrew Fletcher published: 28 February 2022 (updated) 3 March 2022 1 minute read
Connecting a device and testing in Xcode have you had a no profiles error?
Showing All Messages The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to log in with account '{email}'. The login details for account '{email}' were rejected. No profiles for '{bundle identifier}' were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching '{bundle identifier}'.
These two messages are interconnected. To resolve this step, go
Xcode > Preferences > Accounts
Check that you are logged in.
First wave of errors resolved! However, I might be logged in, but the next round of errors is appearing:
Showing All Messages Unable to process request - PLA Update available: You currently don't have access to this membership resource. To resolve this issue, agree to the latest Program License Agreement in your developer account. No profiles for '{bundle identifier}' were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching '{bundle identifier}'.
As the error notes, I needed to log in to my developer account so agree to the updated terms and conditions.
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