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This page shows a growing list of common commands for viewing and managing your Centos server.

ls syntax
$ ls [options] [file|dir]

ls command main options:

ls -a list all files including hidden file starting with '.'
ls --color colored list [=always/never/auto]
ls -d list directories - with ' */'
ls -F add one char of */=>@| to enteries
ls -i list file's inode index number
ls -l list with long format - show permissions
ls -la list long format including hidden files
ls -lh list long format with readable file size
ls -ls list with long format with file size
ls -r list in reverse order
ls -R list recursively directory tree
ls -s list file size
ls -S sort by file size
ls -t sort by time & date
ls -X sort by extension name


ls command examples

Remember that you can press the tab button to auto complete the file or folder names.

List directory var/vhosts with relative path:

ls var/vhosts

List directory /home/var/www/ with absolute path.

ls /home/var/www

List root directory:

ls /

List parent directory:

ls ..

List user's home directory:

ls ~

List with long format:

ls -l

Show hidden files:

ls -a

List with long format and show hidden files:

ls -la

List with long format and show hidden files:

ls -ld .*

Sort by date/time:

ls -t

Sort by file size:

ls -S

List all subdirectories:

ls *

Recursive directory tree list:

ls -R

List only text files with wildcard:

ls *.txt

ls redirection to output file:

ls > out.txt

List directories only:

ls -d */

List files and directories with full path:

ls -d $PWD/*


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