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Andrew Fletcher
Working from the bases that .DS_Store has not been added to your git repository, then you can add it to your .gitignore file. touch .gitignoreIn the .gitignore file add the following # Hide the DS_Store files **/.DS_StoreHowever, if it's already there, then in Terminal you will need to write: find . -name .DS_Store -print0 | xargs -0 git rm -f --ignore-unmatchFinally commit to repo git commit -m "Remove .DS_Store" git push origin...
Andrew Fletcher
To sort through a multidimensional array seems to be a function that I...
Andrew Fletcher
phpcs issue in Visual Studio Code, I'm receiving this warning in VS...
Andrew Fletcher
Had the situation where you are running composer however, the scripts stops with...
Andrew Fletcher
Oh the treasure of a client coming to you with a site they have removed the...
Andrew Fletcher
On your local OSX environment using Terminal or iTerm you can create a MySQL database, database user, and password, as well as, assign all privileges to the user for the database. Knowing your credentials, before beginning you will need to know the following: user: {user} password: {password} database: {database} For my local environment, I'll be using these credentials user root password root database safs   Walkthrough the steps to build your database: The initial step is to...
Andrew Fletcher
This article assumes that you are running Docker and Lando already.  Don't...
Andrew Fletcher
I installed Lando 3.6.2 and Laravel 9.  When I visit the web page, I...
Andrew Fletcher
Updating to PHP 8.1, I found this interesting code stop... Deprecated function:...
Andrew Fletcher
Running Docker Dangerous word... I'm assuming that Docker is installed....
Andrew Fletcher
Running Docker and attempting to install a web proxy environment where I'm attempting to create local web set up the consist of Drupal 9 with Composer + Docker-compose + Nginx + MariaDB + PHP8.1 However, when I run the command docker-compose upThe terminal hangs at Version: '10.6.5-MariaDB-1:10.6.5+maria~focal' socket: '/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' port: 3306 binary distributionSo my initial question is to check the port mariadb is running on?  Is the port already in use?...
Andrew Fletcher
Working on an Azure server I ran a mysqldump command to generate a copy of the...
Andrew Fletcher
When attempting to backup mysql using the mysqldump command mysqldump -u root...
Andrew Fletcher
How to Create New MySQL User Before you can create a new MySQL user, you need to...
Andrew Fletcher
The generally accepted answer to a mysqldump is: mysqldump -h [host] -u...