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Andrew Fletcher
Warning from Google Play Store when uploading an App You must complete the advertising ID declaration before you can release an app that targets Android 13 (API 33). We'll use this declaration to provide safeguards in Play Console to accommodate changes to advertising ID in Android 13. Apps targeting Android 13 or above and using advertising ID must include the permission in the manifest.Work through the Advertising question.  I know the app doesn't...
Andrew Fletcher
Uploading a new version of an Android app to Google Play and I'm seeing this...
Andrew Fletcher
Whilst uploading a new version of our Android app, I had the following error...
Andrew Fletcher
In this article I'll walk through the steps I went through to install Solr on...
Andrew Fletcher
Looking to install Solr on your server?  Not sure if it worth the...
Andrew Fletcher
If you have a situation where either you have forgotten a Keystore password or change of developers and the password wasn't sent across.... what to do?  However, your app lives on and needs to be updated!   Possible solutions This is a great starting point.  Have a look in your android/ file.  Unfortunately, the android/ directory didn't exist and I had to run the command prompt to generate.  So no password! signingConfigs { release...
Andrew Fletcher
I had generated a backup of key directories on the server - see Create a...
Andrew Fletcher
An approach to generating a backup server is using a shell script.  A...
Andrew Fletcher
What I'm seeing in Android Studio when attempting to run the...
Andrew Fletcher
Android Studio error Installation did not succeed. The application could not be...
Andrew Fletcher
Android Studio error error: package does not existThis is a problem with plugins using old Android support dependencies instead of the AndroidX equivalent.  As it's a dependency issue, to resolve add jetifier.  I know yet another package... npm install jetifier npx jetify npx cap sync  Tools Ionic CLI : 6.20.1 (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@ionic/cli) Ionic Framework : @ionic/angular 6.2.0 ...
Andrew Fletcher
Android Studio build errors Build failed error: cannot find symbol if...
Andrew Fletcher
Approaches to resolving “Module not specified” Error in Android Studio When...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Android Studio when attempting to run a project I had the following...
Andrew Fletcher
Currently, I have a situation where I have two repositories.  The first is...