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Andrew Fletcher
Working through a CKAN installation on Ubuntu 20.04 User sees a server 500 error. syslog shows: ckan-worker:ckan-worker-00 FATAL Exited too quickly (process log may have details)   Information: syslog Jul 19 03:59:43 {project}-CKAN supervisord[773]: 2022-07-19 03:59:43,515 INFO spawned: 'ckan-worker-00' with pid 4337 Jul 19 03:59:44 {project}-CKAN supervisord[773]: 2022-07-19 03:59:44,900 INFO exited: ckan-worker-00 (exit status 1; not expected)The error is pointing to supervisord,...
Andrew Fletcher
In Xcode and executing a run command, the response error was: { "name":...
Andrew Fletcher
Working hard developing your app and now it's time to let others begin testing...
Andrew Fletcher
 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: undefined is not an object...
Andrew Fletcher
In Xcode attempting to build or run an app, I receiving a framework...
Andrew Fletcher
While loading an ionic project, in Xcode when performing a run routine I had the following response ⚡️ Loading app at capacitor://localhost... 2022-04-17 15:54:01.318573+1000 App[74515:7355495] [Process] 0x7f8758828820 - [pageProxyID=5, webPageID=6, PID=74520] WebPageProxy::didFailProvisionalLoadForFrame: frameID=3, domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain, code=260 ⚡️ WebView failed provisional navigation ⚡️ Error: The file “index.html” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.The Xcode build...
Andrew Fletcher
Connecting a device and testing in Xcode have you had a no profiles...
Andrew Fletcher
It is really simple to switch users in Ubuntu or any other Linux distribution...
Andrew Fletcher
A bug bear that I have had for a while with Drupal content is how come the...
Andrew Fletcher
I attempted the run command and the response I had was succeeded, but then...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Laravel, I needed to loop through an array and know whether the current loop was odd or even row.  To do this add the expression to your Twig file: {% set direction = loop.index0 is odd ? 'left' : 'right' %}In the call above, the variable direction is set to either left or right depending on the value of the position of the loop row (loop.index0).  I then used the left or right value in a div class adding to a series of tailwind css definitions.  Such...
Andrew Fletcher
Working with buttons To begin, what is a button in SwiftUI? struct MainView:...
Andrew Fletcher
Setting up the mail configuration in October CMS is a quick progress....
Andrew Fletcher
When those simple annoyances are too frustrating!  Yes we have all been...
Andrew Fletcher
Post the recent update to Xcode 12.x (12A7300), I found opening an app...