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Andrew Fletcher
The user parameters provides details about a specific user based on the following parameters: User uid; The output of this query will return user profile data only of the fields containing data.  An example of the data returned includes, but is not limited to the following: Name {name} - in the system this is their username; Created {created} Firstname {field_firstname} Lastname {field_lastname} Gender {field_gender} Calling a query To call a user query the details are...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding git tag to your actions. The regular process that I work to is git add...
Andrew Fletcher
phpcs issue in Visual Studio Code, I'm receiving this warning in VS...
Andrew Fletcher
Had the situation where you are running composer however, the scripts stops with...
Andrew Fletcher
Oh the treasure of a client coming to you with a site they have removed the...
Andrew Fletcher
Attempting to update the database, irrespective whether I run update.php or preferred method drush updb the following errors were appearing: [notice] Module captcha has an entry in the system.schema key/value storage, but is not installed. <a href=":url">More information about this error</a>. [notice] Module image_captcha has an entry in the system.schema key/value storage, but is not installed. <a href=":url">More information about this error</a>. [notice] Module...
Andrew Fletcher
Do you want to know how to add a node alias in a twig file?  Rather than do...
Andrew Fletcher
If you edit a Drupal contrib module, the next time the module is updated those...
Andrew Fletcher
As a web developer, you will most likely need to run local copies of a bunch of...
Andrew Fletcher
The cache system in Drupal 9 delivers the API with the elements required for...
Andrew Fletcher
How to get the current user or load a user using a uid value. $current_user = \Drupal::currentUser(); $user = \Drupal\user\Entity\User::load($current_user->id());or just use $user = \Drupal\user\Entity\User::load(\Drupal::currentUser()->id());An example of this in action /** * Change the display of the user's name. * * @param int $uid * User id. * * @return string * User name. */ function change_users_name($uid) { // status of the current user $logged_in =...
Andrew Fletcher
Running a few SEO and performance tests and I discovered that the site logo...
Andrew Fletcher
How do you exclude the current node from a list view? In some situations, for...
Andrew Fletcher
I installed Lando 3.6.2 and Laravel 9.  When I visit the web page, I...
Andrew Fletcher
I'm receiving an error with a path of Drupal\path_alias\AliasManager Upgrading...