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error: pathspec did not match any file(s) known to git

Post creating a new branch in the repo, next step was to run the checkout command locally.  On my local environment I ran the following command

git checkout {branch-name}

However, the response was

error: pathspec '{branch-name}' did not match any file(s) known to git


sudo docker ps and exec -it

Working in an AWS ec2 environment, my goal is to access the server via terminal.

I initially work to get the instance ID.  With this ID, I'm able to connect to the server.  When first accessing the environment on the server the steps I take are:

sudo docker ps

ps - refers to the 'process status'


Exporting a MySQL table to a file

Goal: I want to download a table list to a txt or csv file.

Initially, as a root user I tried using drush

drush sql-dump --tables-list=media_field_data > db-list.sql

Of course as a root user and Drush set-up not as root. failed with 

Command 'drush' not found, did you mean:

  command 'rush' from deb rush (1.8+dfsg-1.1)

My bad.

homebrew for speed tests

Using Homebrew for speed tests...

I'm using Speediest CLI - for more details go to

To install speedtest CLI is is quick by running the following

brew install speedtest-cli

I had a few brew updates required as you'll see by the response below

How to create list of files that is recursive and output as txt file?

This issue

I have a folder with about 10,000 files in it.  I want to scan through the directories and isolate files that are different from what sits in the database.  How do you generate a list of file names of all the files into a single txt file?


how to solve - git response 'not something we can merge'

I'm in an environment where the default branch is staging and I'm attempting to run a git merge.  However, in actioning this command, I'm been greeted with the following response 'not something we can merge'

❯ git merge origin/{branch}
merge: origin/{branch} - not something we can merge

To resolve this, first I attempted to do a git checkout to the branch

Count the number of files in a directory including recursively

How to count the number of files in a directory.  At some point you'll have a directory or directories that you need to know the number of files in them.  On Linux, the list command (ls) is piped with the wc -l command.

ls | wc -l

This command works great if all the files are located in one directory.  What about if you have multiple directories.  Then you will need to use the find command piped with the wc command

how to update composer

Looking at composer I first wanted to check the current version, which is actioned by running the following command

composer -V

The response I was seeing

Composer version 2.1.5 2021-07-23 10:35:47



Updating dependencies in Composer

This article works through the steps to update dependencies in the composer.json file to the latest version.

Use composer outdated to suggest the latest versions.

composer outdated

Whereas, to return a complete list of packages where packages that need an update are coloured red, the up-to-date ones are coloured green

composer show -l


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