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This command will help you spot any unusually large directories

The red flag was when I saw the server disk space is showing a site is taking up 57992.5 MB, where locally the site size is showing 957MB.  There is something serious happening here and I need to establish the problem quickly.  When dealing with a significant discrepancy in site size between a local environment and a server, it's important to identify the root cause of the larger disk usage on the server. 


How to determine the size of a directory in Terminal

To determine the size of a directory using the terminal, you can use the du (disk usage) command. The syntax for this command can vary slightly depending on the operating system you are using, but a common way to use it is as follows:


npm package management

A summary of Node package commands

Short cut commands

npm install <package>

npm i <package>

npm install --save <package>

npm i -S <package>

npm install --save-dev <package>

npm i -D <package>

npm install --global <package>

Git changing local and remote branch name

Something I haven't had to do in a while is to change the name of a Git branch both local and remote.


Steps to renaming a branch

Rename your local branch:

If you are on the branch you want to rename:

git branch -m new-name

Whereas, if you're on a different branch:

How to resolve a cURL certificate 60 error - curl: (60) SSL certificate problem

Post a NetSkope update, composer would fail when running any command that required accessing an external package.  Actually initially all external traffic was being blocked.  The error was similar to

curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain
More details here:

This error was also generated when running a basic command

Creating and applying a patch

I need to generate a patch and then apply automatically to my Drupal installation.

Current path to the file: web/core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/argument/

Orignal filename: ArgumentPluginBase.php

Adjusted filename: ArgumentPluginBase-adjusted.php


Create a Patch

A patch is used to create or override changes in another file.  The command to create a patch is:

error: pathspec did not match any file(s) known to git

Post creating a new branch in the repo, next step was to run the checkout command locally.  On my local environment I ran the following command

git checkout {branch-name}

However, the response was

error: pathspec '{branch-name}' did not match any file(s) known to git


Drupal set the private folder

How to set the Private file path in Drupal using the following steps:

  • Create a private folder in the web root
  • Add a .htaccess file to the private folder
  • Update the settings.php file


homebrew for speed tests

Using Homebrew for speed tests...

I'm using Speediest CLI - for more details go to

To install speedtest CLI is is quick by running the following

brew install speedtest-cli

I had a few brew updates required as you'll see by the response below

How to create list of files that is recursive and output as txt file?

This issue

I have a folder with about 10,000 files in it.  I want to scan through the directories and isolate files that are different from what sits in the database.  How do you generate a list of file names of all the files into a single txt file?


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