Enforcing HTTPS on an Nginx server: a step-by-step guide
In today's security-conscious world, enforcing HTTPS on your web applications is no longer optional—it's essential. Whether you're dealing with government reports or routine security audits, failing to enforce HTTPS can trigger warnings that leave you scrambling for a solution.
Upgrading Nginx on Ubuntu to due vulnerabilities CVE-2024-32002, CVE-2024-32004 and CVE-2024-32465
The current Nginx version running is 1.18.0. It seems like the Nginx version from the default Ubuntu repositories is still 1.18.0, which might not have the latest security patches. To resolve this, you can add the official Nginx repository to get the latest stable version.
1. Backup your current Nginx configuration
It's a good practice to back up your current Nginx configuration before making any changes:
Checking if a file exists using command line queries in Ubuntu with Nginx
On a server directory with over 100,000 PDF files, I needed to verify the existence of specific documents. Whether there are a few hundred or whatever the number of files, this article explores the practical use of command-line tools to quickly ascertain whether a file is present. In the area of server management or application development, especially on systems like Ubuntu equipped with Nginx, it's crucial to perform routine checks to ensure that all necessary files are in place.
Terminal command to find and replace
In many terminal text editors, you use find command as reference in Terminal commands - find. How about find and replace. This action depends on the specific text editor you're using in the terminal. Here are a few common terminal text editors and how you can find and replace strings within them:
To find: Press / followed by the search term and then Enter.
Resolving CVE-2022-48624 less issue
To resolve the CVE-2022-48624 vulnerability on Ubuntu using Nginx, it's crucial to understand that the issue lies within the "less" package, not Nginx itself. The vulnerability affects "less" before version 606, where close_altfile in filename.c in less omits shell_quote calls for LESSCLOSE, potentially allowing shell command injection.
The current less version is 551, which is vulnerable. You'll need to upgrade "less" to a version at or beyond 606.
Adding Solr to an existing certificate so it would run from https
In an environment that is running
- Ubuntu 20.02
- Nginx
- Solr
The default Nginx conf is located /etc/nginx/sites-available/
and contains something similar to:
Additional security updates can be applied with ESM Apps
Adding SSL wildcard certificate to Ubuntu running Nginx
Adding an SSL wildcard certificate to an Ubuntu server involves several steps. A wildcard certificate can secure subdomains of a domain with a single certificate. Here's a general outline of the process:
I'll be using an existing wildcard certificate.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
ckan.ini issues
Focusing on the ckan.ini file (/etc/ckan/default/ckan.ini). When I run the commands to recreate the database tables for CKAN:
cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckan
ckan -c /etc/ckan/default/ckan.ini db init
The response I'm getting is:
server 500 error - 'Internal server error' on Nginx
Finding the issue with a server 500 error
The Nginx error logs are showing too much detail.
Nginx logs and test
There are no errors in the nginx log and sudo nginx -t looks fine
sudo nginx -t
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful