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Andrew Fletcher
phpcs issue in Visual Studio Code, I'm receiving this warning in VS Code: phpcs: Unable to locate phpcs. Please add phpcs to your global path or use composer decency manager to install it in your project locally.  How to fix You can install phpcs by using composer global command: composer global require squizlabs/php_codesnifferThen in VS Code, go to  Click Code -> Preferences -> Settings Select User Settings and locate 'PHP CodeSniffer', or in the Search settings enter...
Andrew Fletcher
Do you want to know how to add a node alias in a twig file?  Rather than do...
Andrew Fletcher
As a web developer, you will most likely need to run local copies of a bunch of...
Andrew Fletcher
On your local OSX environment using Terminal or iTerm you can create a MySQL...
Andrew Fletcher
This article assumes that you are running Docker and Lando already.  Don't...
Andrew Fletcher
While working with lando, I had the following error ERROR: for safs_appserver_1 UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=300) ERROR: for safs_database_1 UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=300) ERROR: for appserver UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read timeout=300) ERROR: for database UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. (read...
Andrew Fletcher
I installed Lando 3.6.2 and Laravel 9.  When I visit the web page, I...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Lando and you have hit the situation where you need to view the log...
Andrew Fletcher
Changes in your .env file Connecting your app to the new environment you need to...
Andrew Fletcher
Having access to a site’s URL in your templates can come in handy for many...
Andrew Fletcher
I want to create a content type that has a paragraph.  Easy enough. What happens when I want to extend this concept and have a paragraph within the first paragraph?  Importantly, then display the second paragraph in a twig file. How to create a content type that holds a paragraph within a paragraph and make it display in twig files?   First, I thought I would use kint() or dump() to review the output and generate the structure to the data directly in the twig file. Given we...
Andrew Fletcher
Since upgrading to Drupal 9.3.0 have you come across this error? Edit...
Andrew Fletcher
When you have an entity ID value such as node ID (nid) or taxonomy term ID, how...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Twig, I had to add classes to a pre-existing array.  Whilst I've...
Andrew Fletcher
Setting up a new project in Docker and VS Code. Using Terminal, go to your...