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Andrew Fletcher
Whilst uploading a new version of our Android app, I had the following error display The Android App Bundle was not signed.The short answer is in the build type release debuggable isn't set to false.   How to solve In the build.gradle file (path: android > app) { buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled false proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), '' } debug { debuggable false ...
Andrew Fletcher
If you have a situation where either you have forgotten a Keystore password or...
Andrew Fletcher
This article works through the steps to update dependencies in package.json...
Andrew Fletcher
What I'm seeing in Android Studio when attempting to run the...
Andrew Fletcher
Android Studio error Installation did not succeed. The application could not be...
Andrew Fletcher
Android Studio error error: package does not existThis is a problem with plugins using old Android support dependencies instead of the AndroidX equivalent.  As it's a dependency issue, to resolve add jetifier.  I know yet another package... npm install jetifier npx jetify npx cap sync  Tools Ionic CLI : 6.20.1 (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@ionic/cli) Ionic Framework : @ionic/angular 6.2.0 ...
Andrew Fletcher
Android Studio build errors Build failed error: cannot find symbol if...
Andrew Fletcher
Approaches to resolving “Module not specified” Error in Android Studio When...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Android Studio when attempting to run a project I had the following...
Andrew Fletcher
In this article, you will learn how to update a newsletter template...
Andrew Fletcher
There are times when other Joomla! administrators of the site leave a page without tapping one of the methods to close it... save & close or close.  Subsequently, when a page hasn't been closed, a padlock appears to prevent another administrator's accessing the page(s) to make changes.  Great for content management, not so great if the person is uncontactable. Selecting this menu option allows Joomla! administrators to perform a global check-in of all currently pending or...
Andrew Fletcher
Cached data - keep it or clear it out? You might have noticed, but...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding a new user to your Joomla! website using Community Builder. Out of the...
Andrew Fletcher
In this article, I will show you how to update an existing member's details...
Andrew Fletcher
In this article, I'll show you how to create a new an Acy Mailing 5...